Friday, April 27, 2012

The Disarmed Tucker Torpedo

I was happy to find a Tucker Torpedo from the new Hot Wheels Boulevard series the other day.  Produced in 1947 and 48 the Tucker Sedan was a true innovation.  Featuring a rear mounted water-cooled horizontal 6 that powered the rear wheels, four-wheel independent suspension, disk brakes, seat belts and a padded dashboard, and numerous other previously unheard-of safety features, the Tucker was the metaphorical 'Torpedo' aimed at the short comings of the 'Big 3' automakers.  The 1988 movie 'Tucker: the Man and His Dream' is a great movie about this chapter of Preston Tucker's life and is well worth watching.  This is actually the first Tucker Torpedo that I have found and I am happy to have such a classic in my collection.

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

A Caged Runner

Some of you faithful readers may remember this post from awhile back: 4Run Through the Jungle

So, with your memory whetted I can now show you the latest update.  It all started when I was trying to figure out what to do with one of my many MBX Sahara Survivor castings.  After I had pulled off the roll cage I started thinking, 'It would be great if I could stick this roll cage in another truck'.  Well with a bit of cutting, thank you Mr. Dremel, I streamlined the roll cage and started to test fit it in my 1985 Toyota 4Runner.  One thing that I knew from the beginning was that the fiberglass roof would have to go.  It took quite a bit of massaging, as these things often do, but I think it was well worth it.  I am on the lookout for some cool gear to put in the back, as it looks pretty bare right now, and what hardcore wheeler goes into the woods without a spare tire!  I am going to need one of those too.  It is always nice to breath some life into a long term project and this little Toyota is really coming along nicely.