Monday, February 6, 2012

Blow Fish - this Fast Fish just got faster!

From its debut in 2008 I have been a huge fan of Hot Wheels Fast Fish.  The sharp lines and hockey stick graphics offer insight into a likely source of creative inspiration - the Plymouth Barracuda.  While Plymouth may not be around to put the modern muscle twist on the 'Cuda that didn't stop Fraser Campbell from giving it a go.  Campbell really hit a home run, and the Fast Fish looks fast just sitting still.

After something of a hiatus I began looking for some cars to put under the knife.  Normally the Fast Fish, among others, would be safe from my Frankenstein-like tendencies, but I happened to have found a particularly beat-up specimen that needed a little love. Mad scientist love, to be exact.

What was born from the high-pitched whine of my Dremel - the Blow Fish!

Sure, she still looks a bit crude, as I really made no effort to tidy up her bruised form, but I did give her some power.  Massive power.  With a new supercharged engine donated by non-other than Johnny Lightning himself the Blow Fish is ready to take on all comers!

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